Elevator maintenance is the cornerstone of multi-storied building planning. For tenants and walk-ins alike a functioning elevator is the assumption and the alternative is under performance.

What we do is provide elevator safety and performance. When you have a reliable, focused elevator maintenance company, you can greatly diminish the possibility of elevator malfunction and secure top elevator performance. Proactive maintenance programs can save a lot of money in repairs and keep your tenants satisfied by ensuring consistent elevator operation.

At Jersey City Elevator, our certified technicians are qualified to handle, maintain and repair your elevator system from multiple manufacturers. After a visit to see the unit we will propose the elevator maintenance contract that you seek in price and elevator performance. Our maintenance contracts include regular exams, equipment lubrication, system testing, performance adjustments, part replacements and expert elevator repairs. Our trouble call response services are available 24/7.

Our elevator maintenance contract ensure that your elevators perform reliably and that repair and upgrade demands will be handled proactively. We are locally-owned company, our certified technicians are highly qualified and our rates are affordable. Exceed your tenants’ needs by selecting one of the following maintenance programs for your elevator system.

Plan 1 – Examination Plan

This Examination Plan offers regular visits and client repair pricing. It is geared towards ensuring the lifespan of equipment through regular TLC of your elevator. Protect the profit center of your multi-storied building with basic elevator maintenance. This plan includes regular exams, performance adjustments, equipment lubrication, 2-hour response time for trouble calls and discounted repair costs.

Plan 2 – Adaptable Plan

The Adaptable Plan allows the negotiation of liabilities surrounding elevator performance. This is your opportunity to customize a maintenance program according to your budget and needs. What “ownership in functionality” do you want see from the elevator contractor? This plan begins with the basics covered in Program 1 and extends the opportunity for tailored additional coverage options included in a Full Maintenance Plan. Sharing of expenses on parts, trouble calls or overtime repairs.

Program 3 – Full Maintenance Plan

The Full Maintenance Plan is a full-service, hassle-free plan in which all expenses are included. Our team will handle all of your elevator service needs, from the regular Examination services to parts replacements to trouble calls, and you won’t have to worry about extra expenses. When our mechanics respond to your trouble calls after-hours, this plan will have you covered for overtime. If your elevator needs repairs, this plan will cover parts and labor.

Flexible payment plans available on all programs – call Jersey City Elevator today!